As we step into October, we’re excited to celebrate Circular Economy Month—a time to rethink how we use and manage our resources. This month is all about reducing waste, reusing products, and recycling materials in a way that minimizes environmental impact. It’s the perfect time to embrace sustainable living for the betterment of our community.

What Is the Circular Economy?
In a circular economy, products and materials are used for as long as possible, minimizing waste and promoting recycling. Instead of the traditional “take, make, waste” model, the circular economy encourages us to:

  • Rethink how we consume
  • Reduce our waste
  • Reuse items where we can
  • Recycle and repurpose materials for a second life

This shift leads to more sustainable communities, less waste in landfills, and a healthier planet for future generations.

How You Can Get Involved This Month
There are plenty of ways to participate in Circular Economy Month right from your own home:

  • Sort waste properly: Waste sorting is key to ensuring recyclables don’t end up in landfills. Familiarize yourself with your building’s waste sorting guidelines, and help keep your community clean. For sorting guides, FAQs, and more details on sorting waste at your building, visit 
  • Upcycle old items: Get creative with items you might normally throw away! Turn empty jars into planters, repurpose old fabrics for DIY projects, or find new uses for worn-out household goods.
  • Repair instead of replace: Instead of tossing out broken items, try fixing them first. Whether it’s clothing, furniture, or electronics, a little effort can save you money and help the environment.

Good Practices for Your Home
You don’t have to make drastic changes to contribute to a circular economy. Here are some simple practices to try at home:

  • Reduce single-use plastics: Bring reusable bags, containers, and cutlery with you when you’re out.
  • Compost organic waste: If your building supports composting, be sure to contribute your organic waste.
  • Buy in bulk: Reduce packaging waste by buying in bulk and storing your items in reusable containers.
  • Reduce energy and water use: Turn off the lights when not in use and reduce shower times. A good trick is to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth.

Enter to #WinWithGreenwin: Circular Economy Scavenger Hunt Contest!

In honour of Circular Economy Month, we’re hosting an exciting scavenger hunt contest for our residents!

To enter, simply find the secret keyword hidden on the #SuiteTips page and email it to us at by October 25 for a chance to win a $100 gift card! The winner will be randomly selected from all correct answers, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled and participate for a chance to win.

At Greenwin, we believe that small, consistent actions can lead to big changes. By adopting circular economy practices, you’re contributing to a greener future. Join us this month in celebrating sustainability, and don’t forget to participate in the #WinWithGreenwin scavenger hunt!